Using My Career Story to foster reflective capacity, hope, and narrative change

Using My Career Story to foster reflective capacity, hope, and narrative change


Sara Santilli University of Padova, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, Padova, Italy

Paul J. Hartung Northeast Ohio Medical University, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Rootstown, USA


My Career Story (MCS) comprises a self-guided autobiographical workbook designed to assist individuals across life’s diverse spectrum to narrate and shape their career stories. We describe the development and use of the MCS and its relevance for all people, including individuals who may be at risk for. Results of a study using the MCS with 20 emerging adults in Northern Italy supported the validity of its use. Specifically, results indicated that individuals shift to more positive, clear, action-oriented language in the stories they tell at the end of the MCS workbook, after constructing their life portraits, as compared with the stories they tell at the opening of the workbook. Also, scores on measures of reflective capacity and hope increased following the MCS intervention. Results of the study further support use of the MCS in career intervention contexts.

Santilli, S. ., & Hartung, P. J. . (2022). Using my career story to foster reflective capacity, hope, and narrative change. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences17(SI.1), 1441–1452.

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