WEBINAR: Gender Pay Gaps: Organizational Problems Need Organizational Solutions


In occasione della festa della donna del 08/03/2023 IAEVG  organizza questo interessante webinar al quale parteciperò on line. Di seguito riporto una breve presentazione dello stesso redatta dalla IAEVG .

For many decades, across a wide range of national contexts and industry sectors, women have earned less than men. Gender pay gaps start early and widen as women’s careers progress, so that women retire with dramatically less financial security than men. Discussions about gender pay gaps often present them as a problem for women in the workforce, but emerging research demonstrates that gender pay gaps are problems for women’s employers too. In this webinar, we’ll demystify gender pay gaps and identify their intertwined causes. We’ll discuss several policy solutions enacted around the world (pay transparency, public accountability, leadership appointments). Spoiler alert: every policy solution has unintended consequences! Practitioners with an appreciation of the challenges associated with gender pay gaps will be better positioned to educate clients, advocate for progressive policies, and stimulate organizational change. 

Presenter bio:

Carol T Kulik is a Bradley Distinguished Professor at the University of South Australia, UniSA Business. Carol’s research interests focus on workplace inclusion, with a particular emphasis on gender. Current projects are investigating strategies for closing the gender pay gap, motivating organizations to become gender equality frontrunners, and empowering employees to negotiate better working arrangements in the next normal. Her book, Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager, makes research on human resource management accessible to line managers with no formal training in human resources. Her research on the gender pay gap (with Professor Yoshio Yanadori and Dr Jill Gould) received the 2021 Philip Brown Prize from the Securities Industry Research Centre of Asia-Pacific and was described by the South Australia Chief Scientist as “a CEO must-read.”

Webinar Moderator:

Professor Nancy Arthur



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